Headless Wasabi Daemon
The default of how to interact with your Wasabi wallet is the graphical user interface (GUI). There is also a headless daemon where you do not run a resource-intensive GUI, but only the command line interface. Running the daemon minimizes the usage of resources (CPU, GPU, Memory, Bandwidth) with the goal of making it more suitable for running all the time in the background. The RPC interface can be used to interact with the Daemon.
The daemon is included in the package starting from Wasabi version 2.0.4 and can be launched using the command line.
The desktop app (GUI) is built on top of the daemon. Meaning that command line arguments/variables can also be used to configure the desktop app.
The available startup parameters can be found at the Starting Wasabi with parameters pillar.
How to run
If the package is installed
Depending on your operating system, open the command line and execute:
cd /Applications/Wasabi\ Wallet.app/Contents/MacOs
cd C:\Program Files\WasabiWallet
If building from source code
Open the terminal, navigate to the WalletWasabi.Daemon directory (inside the cloned repository) and execute the desired commands.
$ dotnet run
Run Wasabi Daemon and connect to the testnet Bitcoin network.
$ wassabeed --network=testnet
Run Wasabi and connect to the testnet Bitcoin network, with Tor disabled, accept JSON RPC calls, ignore P2P transactions, and store everything in $HOME/temp/wasabi-1
$ wassabeed --usetor=false --datadir="$HOME/temp/wasabi-1" --network=testnet --jsonrpcserverenabled=true --blockonly=true
Run Wasabi and open two wallets: AliceWallet and BobWallet
$ wassabeed --wallet=AliceWallet --wallet=BobWallet
Check the Wasabi Daemon version
$ wassabeed --version
Wasabi Daemon